Wedding Classics From Home - FREE ALBUM
In this new world reality, we have seen so much of our normal routine taken away from us as the pandemic affects every aspect of our lives. Whilst isolation offers new ways to express Chesed, Kiddush Hashem and our love for our fellow Jew, one feature of life is just not present: the simcha.
From a Bar and Bas Mitzvah to a Bris Mila or Simchas Bas, and of course weddings, we all yearn for a time when we can come together as families and communities to celebrate one another and mark life’s journeys with joy and meaning.
It is with this in mind that I brought friends and musicians together to collaborate on a project to bring a new flavour to the music of the Simchas we all know and look forward to. The songs you will hear are familiar chuppah songs, infused with the timeless feelings of happiness and hope and the current longing to return to a life full of simcha.
From the depths of my heart, I hope and pray for the day where we can all celebrate our next simcha, together.
Eitan Freilich