Leoiso Hazman - FREE

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First Single From The Shlager Project “Le'oiso Hazman” By Motty Steinmetz

For the new album that Levik Touboul has been working on for the past two years, he has invited some of the biggest names in Jewish music such as: Dedi, Lipa, Yeedle, Motty Steinmetz, Yishai Lapidot, Dovid Gabay, Avremi Roth, Shloime Cohen, Yoni Shlomo, Levi Falkowitz, Yosef Chaim Shwekey, Gad Elbaz and Eli Hertzlich. The album is entirely his own compositions, which were arranged by Moshe Laufer, Mona Rosenblum, and Eli Klein and Yitzy Berry. The Zemiros Group and the Shir V’Shevach Boys choir are responsible for the background choir vocals. 

Levik lives in France and operates his popular music website Shlager from there. He set up the site about a decade ago.
Over the course of many years he has stood behind the production of many albums. He also runs a major graphic art company that works for clients throughout Europe. Many Jewish music booklets have been designed by him as well.
Now, he is releasing an album called the The Shlager Project, and will release a number of singles from it first, the first of which is a song called Leoiso Hazman from Motty Steinmetz and arranged by Moshe Laufer

Produced and Composed by Levik Touboul
Arranged by Moshe Laufer
Choirs by Zemiros Group
Mixed by Chaim Gotessman

מוטי שטיינמץ - לאותו הזמן

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