Jewish Revenge 6 - Video (English)

A Film By Yehuda Grovais
Jewish Revenge 6: Gaza in Focus
The plot centers around Eli, a religious officer and veteran of an elite IDF
unit, who is recruited for a special mission by the Israeli Mossad. Eli is
tasked with locating and capturing a senior Hamas operative suspected of
involvement in the events of October 7, 2023, and connections with
Iranian terrorist elements. Eli is chosen for the mission due to his unique
familiarity with the target, following his involvement in a previous incident
in Gaza, where he was injured and lost two comrades. The pursuit of the
wanted man takes place in Georgia, where Eli faces not only operational
challenges but also the trauma from his past. During the mission,
unexpected complications arise, and he is forced to carry out the task
alone while dealing with symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder.
נקמה יהודית 6 | עזה במוקד