The Skull Of A Genius - DVD

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Boruch Perlowitz presents: The Skull of a Genius. Based on a true story.

Feivish Greenbaum is on the hunt for the perfect son in law. Chaimkeh, Prague's young teen genius and aspiring Talmud chacham, seems like the perfect match. With a Bracha from the Mahrahl, they are off! But what is Feivish Greenbaum really looking for? And is he even Feivish Greenbaum?

Based on a true story as brought down in Sefer hamasios LR' Mordechai Ben Yechazkel.

Runtime: almost 3 hours
Bonus content: Behind the Scenes, CAst & Crew Interviews 
Recommended Viewership: 13+

CAST: Gav Hool, Yaakov Berger, Dov Iiebb, Chaim Brown, Boruch Perlowitz, Dovid Ungarisher, Yaakov Prupas, Ari Abramowitz

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