The Band Man is a yoyous musical that rediates charm and energy. Set in the early 1900s in a small town in the USA, the plot unfolds as the town is infiltrated by a con artist who is bent on scamming the innocent. However, in the process, this charismatic shyster transforms a stiff, sleepy town into a vibrant community alive with unity and good will, as he boosts his confidence in all. Ironically, as your protagonist impacts those around him, he makes profound changes within himself. The Bandman brings forth the message that a person's good qualities can empower him to overcome his flows....and it's never too late to change.
From the producers of "Barons & Bankers" "Song Of The Hills" "English To A T" "That's My Nanny" "Aldecot" "Shtetl" "Jinji"