Simchas Hachaim 8

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AVRUMI BERKO IS BACK WITH “Simchas Hachayim 8”!

Featuring 9 great singers, world class musicians, a top notch Choir with the world renowned Shir V'shevach Boys Choir (starring child soloist's Shulem Sol & Heshi Fligman), this album is sure to get you dancing for hours and infuse you with true SIMCHAS HACHAIM!

SH8 also features surprise guest Yiddish Nachas choir (Haneh Tefillin)

שמחת החיים 8 - אדרת

Singers include: Mendy Werdyger, Yisroel Werdyger, Shea Berko, R' Mordechai V Landau, Shaye Ilowitz, Freund Brothers, Mayer Werdyger, Menachem Moskowitz & Moshe Rozenberg.

Musicians include: (the one & only!) Avrum Balty, Motty Feldman, Dot Asarf & Dani Flam.


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