Shirei Pinchas Vol 2
Past June, Jewish music fans were introduced to the hartzig niggunim of Detroit resident Reb Pinchas Wolf. Shirei Pinchas vol. 1 featured 11 stellar compositions, produced and arranged by the talented Naftali Schnitzler and featuring an all-star cast including the magical voices of; Benny Friedman, Yoely Greenfield, Shlomo Simcha, Dovid Gabay, Shimmy Engel and Mordechai Shapiro as well as child star soloist, Shimmy Weberman. The songs made their impact on music fans worldwide, showing people that the nostalgic feeling of niggunim of old are alive and well in 2017.
Now, not even one year later, we are proud to announce the release of Shirei Pinchas vol. 2 featuring 10 amazing songs from a wide spectrum of styles. This album was produced by the talented Doni Gross of DEG Productions, who is not only an producer and arranger but is also a talented composer in his own right. Returning to lend their majestic voices to these beautiful compositions are Shlomo Simcha, Yoely Greenfield and Dovid Gabay. Joining them and new to the Shirei Pinchas family are British superstar Shloime Gertner, the talented vocalist Tzvi Silberstein, Brazilian mega star Micha Gamerman, rising star Dovid Lowy from Ramat Beit Shemesh and rounding it all off well known vocalist and chazzan Shimmy Miller.
What makes this album so unique is that Reb Pinchas has the G-d given talent that allows him to compose songs in all genres. Couple that with Doni’s amazing arrangements (which he has shown a wide array of between Shlomo Simcha’s last album, Tzvi’s Kol Hakochavim and Shalsheles Juniors 3), and this album is one to add to your music collection.