Pure Simcha

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Dear Friends & Family,

I am filled with joy as I announce the upcoming release of my new album, Pure Simcha. This album has been years in the making, both in vision and in actual production. This project brings to print the music you have been listening to at the weddings and events I have been honored to be part of.

What is Pure Simcha? Where the vibrant dancing is just as inspiring as a moving chupa. Where the careful choice of great nigunim creates the Jewish-spirited dancing we all love. It’s when the band, as great and musical as they might be, takes a back row to the very purpose they are there for- to enhance a Jewish simcha.

While a studio-produced album can never replace the live energy felt at any given event, I’ve done everything to maintain an uplifting and inspiring feeling throughout the entire album.

The 35 tracks on this album include music from all spectrums of Jewish Music. Freilich dance music, authentic s’fardi style music, lively horas, music from the house of Chabad, Breslov, Stolin, Carlebach (some of my own humble nigunim) is some of what you will find in the 80 minutes running time.

I’ve also added a few bonus tracks including “Ye’erav Na”, and by now, with the help of Hashem, R’ Shlomo’s popular Post-Chupa Od Yishoma.

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