Machshovos - Motty Ilowitz

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Well known badchan, lyricist and composer Motty Ilowitz has done lots for Jewish music in the last few years. He has composed/written some mega hits for some of the biggest names in Jewish Music including Lipa Schmeltzer, Michoel Schnitzler, Shloime Gertner, Yisroel Werdyger and Shloime Taussig. The time however has come for Ilowitz to step out from behind his role as composer/write to singer.

For the last year or so, Motty has been hard at work on his debut album with producer extraordinaire Naftali Schnitzler. His debut album titled “Machshovos” will ONLY feature compositions and lyrics written by Motty himself. A first, I believe in Jewish music. Another thing that makes this album unique is that the whole album was based on the lyrics/songs, NOT the music. Machshovos was more about the message and melody rather then the complicated or busy arrangements. The album also features a phenomenal Israeli choir, in house choir, plus kids choir to help enhance these amazing songs.


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