Lchaim and Nachas - DVD

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Run time: over 3 hours.

Bonus 30+ minutes incredible behind the scenes footage

We're proud and excited to announce the release of "Lchaim & Nachas" - This is the full video recording of the Lechaim and Nachas groundbreaking musical experience.

First night of Chol Hamoed Sukkos, September 23, 2021, at the Ritz Theater in New Jersey.

Yaakov Shwekey
Shmueli Ungar
Hershy Weinberger
Yossi Green
Velvi Feldman
Moshy Kraus
Yiddish Nachas

Freilach Band
Lev Choir


לחיים און נחת מיט יעקב שוואקי, שמילי אונגר, הערשי וויינבערגער, אידיש נחת

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