Kinder Farbrengen #4
Let’s Farbreng!
Due to popular demand, Kinder Farbreng #4 making waves worldwide!
Arranged by Shloimy Stiemetz Produced by Yitzchok Lish
The entire family will sit glued in stiches listening to the Famous Interin Chevrayah Actors R’ Shloimy Stiemetz R’ Mordche Hersh Hershkowitz, R’ Kopi Elenboigen, R’ Aba Winker, R’ Leiby Weider, R’ Hershy Pavel. New Guest making his entrance Shmelki come enjoy the sensation and fun!
Approved by Heimishe Machanchim, you will gain knowledge and full of Content!
Harav Matisyahu Green, Harav Leibish Lish, Harav Eliezer Hersh Rosenfeld, Harav Fishel Shechter, special interview with Harav Yosef Moshe Kahana guaranteed instant lover!
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