The Man At The End Of The Tunnel

If you would have asked Aaron Razel twenty five years ago to try and guess the future of his musical career, it is doubtful that he would even come close to reality in his prediction. Razel is considered one of the main composers in the world of Jewish Music. Since his colorful days living in Tzfat and his album Hasneh Bo’er, Aaron has reached impressive musical heights.
On the one hand, his music is played on the GalGalatz radio playlist, but on the other hand, it has legitimately been welcomed and loved in Chareidi Yeshivos in Israel and around the world. Nowadays, Razel spends his mornings learning in Kollel, which is perhaps why his previous album has made it so far in the Yeshiva world. Now, with his newest album, he is trying to speak to and reach out to those who have not yet tasted the sweetness of Torah, Israelis and all Jews who are thirsting to hear to real original music.
Ha’Ish Biktzeh Ha’Minhara is an album that speaks to all of Am Yisrael, with personal and original lyrics from Aaron. He is returning to his original Tzfat style music, to the messages and love that he learned from R’ Shlomo Carlebach. There are 13 that outline the long journey of the Jewish heart and soul. Aaron is delighting his listening with beautiful sounds and melodies.

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