
Your complete shopping satisfaction is our number one priority. If an item you order from does not meet your expectations, simply return it to us.

To Return an Item to a Store

1. Take the item with all original packaging and accessories plus the invoice to Customer Service at Nigun Music.

2. An Associate will issue a credit to the original credit card or provide a store credit for the cost of the item and the sales tax, if applicable.

3. You will receive immediate credit for your return.

Returns Guidelines by Department

CDs, DVDs, audiotapes, videotapes must be returned unopened within 90 days of receipt.

Music Downloads or Sheet Music Downloads cannot be returned. All sales are final and all charges from those sales are non-refundable, except as otherwise set forth in the Music Downloads Terms of Service, which you can access by clicking here.

To Return a Gift

1. If you return a gift to Mostly Music, an Associate will issue a credit to your credit card or provide a store credit for the cost of the item and the sales tax, if applicable.

2. If you return a gift by mail, the cost of the item and the sales tax, if applicable, will be credited to the original credit card. A gift is not exchangeable by mail.


To exchange an item by mail, please fill out the Items to Be Exchanged section on the back of our invoice, indicating the item you are returning and the new item you would like sent. Enclose this information with your return. Please be as specific as possible when describing the new item.

The item returned will be credited to the original credit card and the new item(s) will be charged to the same card. Gift items are not exchangeable. If returned, they will be credited to the original credit card. Shipping charges for the returned item are not refundable, and shipping will be charged for the new item(s) sent.

A gift that you received is not exchangeable by mail. If a gift is returned by mail, the cost of the item and the sales tax, if applicable, will be credited to the original credit card.

Designed and Developed by | Nigun Music © 2025