Neshomo - FREE
While finishing up his next full production album which will feature arrangements exclusively by the mega talented Mona Rosenblum, British singer Shloime Gertner releases a new single “Neshomo.”
The new album is in its final stages, however while searching thru songs for his new album, Shloime came across this song from rising composer R’ Shimshi Neiman of London. It seems that Gertner couldn’t get the catchy tune out of his head still days later, so he decided that it had to be recorded. It wasn’t so much the earworm of the song, Shloime tells us that made him record the song. “The message of this particular song can be interpreted by each and every person differently, these are trying times, especially for Klal Yisroel, and this song is a great chizuk.”
With such a positive song, they needed an arranger who could truly give the song the musical accompaniment it needed. They reached out to veteran composer, arranger and producer Naftali Schniztler, who masterfully delivered the perfect arrangement.
Neshomo also features the choral voices of one the premiere choirs, Shira Choir, conducted by Yoeli Horowitz and arranged by Eli Shprei. Now that the song had the perfect accompaniment, both musical and vocal, all that was left was to release it to the world.
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